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Zitat:Trash Hands - I love garbage hands, especially if I can sneak in from the small blind by just calling half a bet. What are some garbage hands? T2s, 95, T6, 23, A2, etc. I love to just limp in with them from the small or big blind and then try to sting someone after flopping a big hand. The ones that do particularly well are the T and J rag hands: J2, J3, J4, etc and T4, T5, T2. The reason these do well is because if there was no raise preflop then the opposition most likely has hands like QJ, KJ, JT, etc. When you flop two pair you can really make them pay.
Das ist doch absoluter quatsch oder called jemand von euch im sb mit solchen händen?
Würde jemand von euch mit solchen händen callen bei games, in denen der small blind merklich höher als die hälfte des big blinds ist?
Auch in einem family pot bringen's die hände nicht, oder?