Wie ist Eure Einschätzung dieser Hand? Call, Fold oder Push?
Stats habe ich keine. Musste aber schon einmal einen schönen Pot an diesen Villain abtreten.
Game ist NL10 auf Everest.
Villain1 is at seat 0 with $7.33. (SB)
Villain2 is at seat 1 with $12.90. (BB)
Villain3 is at seat 2 with $1.57.
Hero is at seat 4 with $10.30.
Villain4 is at seat 5 with $14.04.
The dealer is seat 5.
Villain1 posts a blind of $.05.
Villain2 posts a blind of $.10.
(AttilaG is dealt

Villain3 raises $.10.
Hero calls for $.20.
Villain4 calls for $.20.
Villain1 calls for $.15.
Villain2 calls for $.10.
The flop comes
Villain1 bets $.45.
Villain2 folds.
Villain3 goes all-in for $1.37.
Hero calls for $1.37.
Villain4 raises $5.56.
Villain1 folds.
Hero ???
-- Attila