PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 55 Tournament, 125/250 Blinds 25 Ante (9 handed) -
Poker-Stars Converter Tool from
MP2 (t2825)
MP3 (t5056)
CO (t2600)
Button (t2757)
SB (t4190)
BB (t3123)
UTG (t5605)
Hero (UTG+1) (t14735)
MP1 (t11405)
Hero's M: 24.56
Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with 5
, 5
1 fold,
Hero bets t650,
6 folds,
BB raises to t3098 (All-In)
Total pot: t1650
Villain hatte 31/13/6.7 auf 100 hände und shippte sehr leicht imo any ace oder sogar KJ