Was habe ich wenn ihr Button wärt?
Würdet ihr callen?
Deal to Button
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (5 handed)
Poker-Stars Converter Tool from
FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)
saw flop|
saw showdown
MP ($10)
Button ($18.70)
SB ($9.90)
BB ($19)
UTG ($30.60)
2 folds, Button calls $0.10,
1 fold, BB checks.
Flop: ($0.25)
(2 players)
BB checks, Button checks.
Turn: ($0.25)
(2 players)
BB checks, Button checks.
River: ($0.25)
(2 players)
BB bets $18.9 (All-In), Button calls $18.60 (All-In).
Final Pot: $37.46
Main Pot: $37.45, between Button and BB.
Pot 2: $0.29, returned to BB.