Junior Member
Beiträge: 5
Registriert seit: Mar 2007
pokerer schrieb:mutsch schrieb:er würde sogar sieben Karten betrachten !
Stimmt, 4 + 5 sind ja sogar die 7. :lol:
Alora hombres, hiermit gebe ich offiziell zu, dass ich einen Fehler gemacht habe und ent... halt... Neee, ich entschuldige mich fast nie (hab ja auch niemanden beleidigt). Sagen wir es mal so: Ich wusste es nicht besser :-)
Quote Wikipedia:
Zitat:Kickers take on special importance in Texas hold 'em, because a common winning hand is one card in a player's hand matched with a card on the board, while the player's second card acts as a kicker. For example, if one player holds A-Q, a second player holds A-10, and the board is A-J-8-5-3, the player with the Q kicker wins because A-A-Q-J-8 defeats A-A-J-10-8. If the board, however, were A-K-5-9-5, the players would tie, because both would play the hand A-A-5-5-K; in this case it is said that the players' kickers "don't play", or that the "kicker on the board plays". In this case, there would be a split pot.
03-06-2007 08:50 PM |