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Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $80(BB) Replayer
SB ($17,310)
Hero ($18,685)
UTG ($9,040)
UTG+1 ($11,180)
UTG+2 ($7,275)
MP1 ($14,040)
MP2 ($4,880)
CO ($14,170)
BTN ($19,240)
Dealt to Hero Q
fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold,
SB raises to $200, Hero raises to $555,
SB raises to $1,040, Hero raises to $2,222,
SB raises to $3,404, fold
SB wins $4,444
villain spielt 23/18 auf 80 hands, denke auf grund der min6bet ist seine range hier AA/KK only, bitte eure gedanken zu der hand