vorherige hand mit aq<ak nice pot verloren, dann obv villains chatbox-leveled!! 8-)
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 55 Tournament, 15/30 Blinds (9 handed) -
PokerStars Converter Tool from
Button (t3100)
Hero (SB) (t1913)
BB (t3485)
UTG (t5616)
UTG+1 (t4657)
MP1 (t2910)
MP2 (t3264)
MP3 (t2965)
CO (t2970)
Hero's M: 42.51
Preflop: Hero is SB with :kh, :ks
4 folds,
MP3 bets t120,
rbg187 said, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"
rbg187 said, "exactly ak"
1 fold,
Button raises to t360,
Hero raises to t1913 (All-In),
1 fold,
MP3 raises to t2965 (All-In), Button calls t2605
Flop: (t7873) :4h, :8c, :9d
(3 players, 2 all-in)
Turn: (t7873) :7h
(3 players, 2 all-in)
River: (t7873) :2d
(3 players, 2 all-in)
Total pot: t7873
Results below:[spoiler]Button had :as, :ac (one pair, Aces).
Hero had :kh, :ks (one pair, Kings).
MP3 had :kd, :ad (high card, Ace).
Outcome: Button won t7873[/spoiler]