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Bendaer Offline
Senior Member

Beiträge: 601
Registriert seit: Oct 2006
Beitrag #281
ja. danke für den hinweis.
03-16-2007 08:06 PM
big_fish Offline
Senior Member

Beiträge: 330
Registriert seit: Jan 2007
Beitrag #282
Bendaer schrieb:ja. danke für den hinweis.

Anscheinend wars ja nötig.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Fussballmafia SFV!
03-16-2007 08:18 PM
Bendaer Offline
Senior Member

Beiträge: 601
Registriert seit: Oct 2006
Beitrag #283
und auch heute wieder: den ganzen tag online poker!

*zwinker* zu märchy.
03-20-2007 11:11 AM
Märchy Offline

Beiträge: 1,975
Registriert seit: Oct 2006
Beitrag #284
Bendaer schrieb:und auch heute wieder: den ganzen tag online poker!

*zwinker* zu märchy.


"In 5 Jahren werden 50% aller Menschen Google Glasses tragen" - Deus, 2015
03-20-2007 11:20 AM
Märchy Offline

Beiträge: 1,975
Registriert seit: Oct 2006
Beitrag #285

OK, die (zweit-)letzte Hand hätt ich wahrscheinlich nicht callen sollen, aber trotzdem...

Für die, die zu faul sind zu lesen: Der Typ hat JEDE Hand gepusht. Dank dem göttlichen rematch-button wurde ich in knapp 10 Minuten 4 buy-ins oder 80$ reicher.

Hand #40870882-1 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:45:39

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1500.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1500.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 8s Jc


Schpacko raises to 60. pokerlegend05 goes all-in for
1500. Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned
1440 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-1 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 120.

Hand #40870882-1 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:45:39

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1500.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1500.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 8s Jc


Schpacko raises to 60. pokerlegend05 goes all-in for
1500. Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned
1440 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-1 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 120.

Hand #40870882-2 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:45:57

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1560.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1440.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Kh 7h


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1560. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 1540 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-2 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-1 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:45:39

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1500.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1500.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 8s Jc


Schpacko raises to 60. pokerlegend05 goes all-in for
1500. Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned
1440 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-1 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 120.

Hand #40870882-2 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:45:57

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1560.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1440.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Kh 7h


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1560. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 1540 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-2 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-3 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:46:06

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1580.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1420.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 8d Jd


Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 10

Hand #40870882-3 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 20.

Hand #40870882-4 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:46:11

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1590.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1410.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Jh 5s


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1590. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 1570 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-4 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-5 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:46:18

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1610.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1390.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 3s 2s


Schpacko calls. pokerlegend05 raises to 895.
Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 875

Hand #40870882-5 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-6 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:46:28

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1630.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1370.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 7s Ks


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1630. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 1610 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-6 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-7 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:46:35

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1650.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1350.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Qc 2h


Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 10

Hand #40870882-7 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 20.

Hand #40870882-8 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:46:41

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1660.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1340.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Js Qh


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1660. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 1640 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-8 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-9 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:46:48

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1680.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1320.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Th 2h


Schpacko calls. pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1680.
Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 1660

Hand #40870882-9 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-10 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:46:58

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1700.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1300.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 3h Jc


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1700. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 1680 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-10 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-11 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:47:04

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1720.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1280.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 6s Jd


Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 10

Hand #40870882-11 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 20.

Hand #40870882-12 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:47:09

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1730.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1270.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 8h 4c


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1730. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 1710 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-12 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-13 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:47:15

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1750.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1250.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 3c Jd


Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 10

Hand #40870882-13 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 20.

Hand #40870882-14 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:47:20

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1760.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1240.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 6d 7d


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1760. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 1740 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-14 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-15 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:47:28

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1780.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1220.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Qd Kd


Schpacko calls. pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1780.
Schpacko goes all-in for 1220. pokerlegend05 is
returned 560 (uncalled).

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows 7d 7c.
Schpacko shows Qd Kd.

Flop (board: Qs 8d Js):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: Qs 8d Js 8c):

(no action in this round)

River (board: Qs 8d Js 8c 3d):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has 7d 7c Qs 8d 8c: two pair, eights and sevens.
Schpacko has Qd Kd Qs 8d 8c: two pair, queens and eights.

Hand #40870882-15 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 2440 with two pair, queens and eights.

Hand #40870882-16 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:47:46

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 560.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2440.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Td Js


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 560. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 540 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-16 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-17 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:47:53

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 580.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2420.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Js 4c


Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 10

Hand #40870882-17 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 20.

Hand #40870882-18 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:47:58

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 590.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2410.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Qh Th


pokerlegend05 raises to 585. Schpacko folds.
pokerlegend05 is returned 565 (uncalled).

Hand #40870882-18 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 40.

Hand #40870882-19 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:48:07

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 610.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2390.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Ts 2h


Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 10

Hand #40870882-19 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 20.

Hand #40870882-20 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:48:13

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 620.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2380.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Kc Ks


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 620. Schpacko calls.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows Ts Js.
Schpacko shows Kc Ks.

Flop (board: 9d 2h 8c):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: 9d 2h 8c Ah):

(no action in this round)

River (board: 9d 2h 8c Ah Ac):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has Ts Js 9d Ah Ac: a pair of aces.
Schpacko has Kc Ks 9d Ah Ac: two pair, aces and kings.

Hand #40870882-20 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 1240 with two pair, aces and kings.

Hand #40870882-19 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:48:07

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 610.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2390.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Ts 2h


Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 10

Hand #40870882-19 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 20.

Hand #40870882-20 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:48:13

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 620.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2380.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Kc Ks


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 620. Schpacko calls.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows Ts Js.
Schpacko shows Kc Ks.

Flop (board: 9d 2h 8c):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: 9d 2h 8c Ah):

(no action in this round)

River (board: 9d 2h 8c Ah Ac):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has Ts Js 9d Ah Ac: a pair of aces.
Schpacko has Kc Ks 9d Ah Ac: two pair, aces and kings.

Hand #40870882-20 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 1240 with two pair, aces and kings.
pokerlegend05 is finished.
Schpacko is finished.

Hand #40870882-21 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:48:40

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1500.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1500.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Ah 6c


Schpacko calls. pokerlegend05 raises to 1220.
Schpacko goes all-in for 1500. pokerlegend05 goes
all-in for 1500.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows 5s 3h.
Schpacko shows Ah 6c.

Flop (board: 6d Js 3s):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: 6d Js 3s Ts):

(no action in this round)

River (board: 6d Js 3s Ts 8d):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has 3h Js 3s Ts 8d: a pair of threes.
Schpacko has Ah 6c 6d Js Ts: a pair of sixes.

Hand #40870882-21 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 3000 with a pair of sixes.

Hand #40870882-20 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:48:13

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 620.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2380.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Kc Ks


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 620. Schpacko calls.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows Ts Js.
Schpacko shows Kc Ks.

Flop (board: 9d 2h 8c):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: 9d 2h 8c Ah):

(no action in this round)

River (board: 9d 2h 8c Ah Ac):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has Ts Js 9d Ah Ac: a pair of aces.
Schpacko has Kc Ks 9d Ah Ac: two pair, aces and kings.

Hand #40870882-20 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 1240 with two pair, aces and kings.
pokerlegend05 is finished.
Schpacko is finished.

Hand #40870882-21 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:48:40

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1500.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1500.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Ah 6c


Schpacko calls. pokerlegend05 raises to 1220.
Schpacko goes all-in for 1500. pokerlegend05 goes
all-in for 1500.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows 5s 3h.
Schpacko shows Ah 6c.

Flop (board: 6d Js 3s):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: 6d Js 3s Ts):

(no action in this round)

River (board: 6d Js 3s Ts 8d):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has 3h Js 3s Ts 8d: a pair of threes.
Schpacko has Ah 6c 6d Js Ts: a pair of sixes.

Hand #40870882-21 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 3000 with a pair of sixes.
pokerlegend05 is finished.
Schpacko is finished.

Hand #40870882-22 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:49:12

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1500.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1500.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Tc 6c


Schpacko folds. pokerlegend05 is returned 10

Hand #40870882-22 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
pokerlegend05 wins 20.

Hand #40870882-23 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:49:18

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1510.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1490.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 5c Ad


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1510. Schpacko goes
all-in for 1490. pokerlegend05 is returned 20

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows 4h 9c.
Schpacko shows 5c Ad.

Flop (board: Ac 6s 9h):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: Ac 6s 9h 3d):

(no action in this round)

River (board: Ac 6s 9h 3d 2s):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has 4h 9c Ac 6s 9h: a pair of nines.
Schpacko has 5c Ad Ac 6s 9h: a pair of aces.

Hand #40870882-23 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 2980 with a pair of aces.

Hand #40870882-24 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:49:33

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 20.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2980.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20, goes all-in.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 3c 8c


Schpacko calls.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows 5h 3h.
Schpacko shows 3c 8c.

Flop (board: Js 2s 4d):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: Js 2s 4d 5c):

(no action in this round)

River (board: Js 2s 4d 5c 8s):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has 5h Js 4d 5c 8s: a pair of fives.
Schpacko has 8c Js 4d 5c 8s: a pair of eights.

Hand #40870882-24 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 40 with a pair of eights.

Hand #40870882-23 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:49:18

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1510.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1490.
The button is at seat 0.

pokerlegend05 posts the small blind of 10.
Schpacko posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 5c Ad


pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1510. Schpacko goes
all-in for 1490. pokerlegend05 is returned 20

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows 4h 9c.
Schpacko shows 5c Ad.

Flop (board: Ac 6s 9h):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: Ac 6s 9h 3d):

(no action in this round)

River (board: Ac 6s 9h 3d 2s):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has 4h 9c Ac 6s 9h: a pair of nines.
Schpacko has 5c Ad Ac 6s 9h: a pair of aces.

Hand #40870882-23 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 2980 with a pair of aces.

Hand #40870882-24 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:49:33

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 20.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2980.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20, goes all-in.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 3c 8c


Schpacko calls.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows 5h 3h.
Schpacko shows 3c 8c.

Flop (board: Js 2s 4d):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: Js 2s 4d 5c):

(no action in this round)

River (board: Js 2s 4d 5c 8s):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has 5h Js 4d 5c 8s: a pair of fives.
Schpacko has 8c Js 4d 5c 8s: a pair of eights.

Hand #40870882-24 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 40 with a pair of eights.
pokerlegend05 is finished.
Schpacko is finished.

Hand #40870882-25 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:50:00

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 1500.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 1500.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: Th Kd


Schpacko calls. pokerlegend05 goes all-in for 1500.
Schpacko goes all-in for 1500.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows 5s Ac.
Schpacko shows Th Kd.

Flop (board: 7s 9s 5c):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: 7s 9s 5c Jd):

(no action in this round)

River (board: 7s 9s 5c Jd Ts):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has 5s Ac 5c Jd Ts: a pair of fives.
Schpacko has Th Kd 9s Jd Ts: a pair of tens.

Hand #40870882-25 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 3000 with a pair of tens.

Hand #40870882-24 at SnG-5320a (No Limit Hold'em Sit and Go)
Started at 24/Mar/07 04:49:33

pokerlegend05 is at seat 0 with 20.
Schpacko is at seat 1 with 2980.
The button is at seat 1.

Schpacko posts the small blind of 10.
pokerlegend05 posts the big blind of 20, goes all-in.

pokerlegend05: -- --
Schpacko: 3c 8c


Schpacko calls.

Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:

pokerlegend05 shows 5h 3h.
Schpacko shows 3c 8c.

Flop (board: Js 2s 4d):

(no action in this round)

Turn (board: Js 2s 4d 5c):

(no action in this round)

River (board: Js 2s 4d 5c 8s):

(no action in this round)


pokerlegend05 has 5h Js 4d 5c 8s: a pair of fives.
Schpacko has 8c Js 4d 5c 8s: a pair of eights.

Hand #40870882-24 Summary:

No rake is taken for this hand.
Schpacko wins 40 with a pair of eights.

"In 5 Jahren werden 50% aller Menschen Google Glasses tragen" - Deus, 2015
03-24-2007 10:56 AM
Bendaer Offline
Senior Member

Beiträge: 601
Registriert seit: Oct 2006
Beitrag #286
what a pokerlegend he is!
03-24-2007 11:52 AM
Grandmaster Flush Offline
Posting Freak

Beiträge: 862
Registriert seit: Oct 2006
Beitrag #287
any two will do :-)

"Ein Superheld ist der, der sich für super hält".
03-24-2007 02:30 PM
Ayal Offline
Posting Freak

Beiträge: 1,884
Registriert seit: Nov 2006
Beitrag #288
Big Grin ich hoffe, der hat nicht aufgehört und spielt jetzt immernoch gegen dich.

aber wieso erscheinen die hände teilweise immer wieder? war mühsam zum lesen Wink
03-24-2007 05:52 PM
Bendaer Offline
Senior Member

Beiträge: 601
Registriert seit: Oct 2006
Beitrag #289
3.ter von 250 an einem 10 dollar tourney und ich cashe nicely 400 dollar.
03-25-2007 12:00 AM
Bendaer Offline
Senior Member

Beiträge: 601
Registriert seit: Oct 2006
Beitrag #290
Good old Table Talk
sabtoker (Observer): A.SS HOLE
sabtoker (Observer): !!!!!
sabtoker (Observer): DI.CK FACE
sabtoker (Observer): SHI>T LICKER
sabtoker (Observer): PUS>SY
sabtoker (Observer): AS.S HOLE
Dealer: tvictor2 has 15 seconds left to act
sabtoker (Observer): JERK OFF
Dealer: Romanzi wins the pot (2,400)
sabtoker (Observer): D.CIK
Dealer: Hand #2060064553
sabtoker (Observer): HEAD
sabtoker (Observer): SH.IT NOSE
Dealer: gyfish has 15 seconds left to act
sabtoker (Observer): C.OCK SUCKER
sabtoker (Observer): I HOPE YOU DIE
Dealer: jhwannabe wins the pot (1,200)
Dealer: Hand #2060069499
GoFM radio: over $10
sabtoker (Observer): YOUR MOM BLOWS ME
gyfish: lol
gyfish: cry baby
Dealer: tvictor2 wins the pot (2,100)
Dealer: Hand #2060073119
jhwannabe: dude I'm A female and stop degradeding me
sabtoker (Observer): F.UVK OFF FEMALE
tercet: let the donk play how they want
tercet: the donk has alot of chips
03-25-2007 12:36 AM

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