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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 5.5 Tournament, 300/600 Blinds 50 Ante (8 handed) -
PokerStars Converter Tool from
MP2 (t16303)
Hero (CO) (t29260)
Button (t2380)
SB (t15413)
BB (t35098 )
UTG (t13958 )
UTG+1 (t12526)
MP1 (t42862)
Hero's M: 22.51
Preflop: Hero is CO with :2d, :2s
3 folds, MP2 calls t600, Hero calls t600,
1 fold, SB calls t300, BB checks
Flop: (t2800) :8d, :4h, :2c
(4 players)
SB bets t14763 (All-In),
BB raises to t29526,
1 fold, Hero calls t28610 (All-In)
Turn: (t74783) :qd
(3 players, 2 all-in)
River: (t74783) :6s
(3 players, 2 all-in)
Total pot: t74783
SB had :8s, :ac (one pair, eights).
BB had :as, :8h (one pair, eights).
Hero had :2d, :2s (three of a kind, twos).
Outcome: Hero won t74783